__.[]V[]ichael Interview..

As usual, the easy questions 1st.

-> Fansite: Whats your real name.?
-> []V[]ichael: Michael

-> Fansite: Age.?
-> []V[]ichael: 19

-> Fansite: From.?
-> []V[]ichael: Gloucester, UK

-> Fansite: How long have you been a member.?
-> []V[]ichael: urm about 7 months or so, not sure.?

-> Fansite: Whats makes you keep logging in.?
-> []V[]ichael: nice to annoy people that annoy me first
-> Fansite: hahaha, how we know u'd answer that way
-> []V[]ichael:

-> Fansite: OK, so what game type do you think you're best at.?
-> []V[]ichael: 8ball pro
-> Fansite: u wish, we seen ya play

-> Fansite: And what new 'thing' would you like to see in iPool.?
-> []V[]ichael: urm
-> []V[]ichael: dunno
-> Fansite: any new game types.?
-> Fansite: or are you happy how it is now.?
-> []V[]ichael: 2 ball

-> Fansite: Finish this sentence. The current iPool players are.....?
-> []V[]ichael: moaners
-> Fansite: all of them.? because your a player
-> []V[]ichael: most of them yeah

-> Fansite: And the current Mod team are.....?
-> []V[]ichael: to harsh on me
-> Fansite: anything else or u done about mods.?
-> []V[]ichael: can we not talk about mods.?
-> Fansite: <---- good looking.?
-> []V[]ichael: v good looking

Time now for the questions sent in by the players ... uh oh.

-> Entente.: If you were to sleep with a girl, who would it be.?
-> []V[]ichael: that Ashley Coles missus
-> []V[]ichael: from girls aloud
-> Fansite: Cheryl Tweedy.?
-> []V[]ichael: yeah thats her

-> Noops: On a scale of 1 to 10, how popular do you think you are on iPool.?
-> []V[]ichael: 10

-> -black-{-_-}-hawk-: What is it with you and moaning.?
-> []V[]ichael: like i said before. i enjoy it when people annoy me first

-> Noops: How many times have you been banned.?
-> []V[]ichael: i cant say. because admin say after 3 bans its perm ban

-> Noops: How many times do you feel you deserved to be banned.?
-> []V[]ichael: probs 1 or 2 times. no more
-> Fansite: You sure about that.?
-> []V[]ichael: No comment

-> Noops: Does the forum clock being 1 hour out upset you.?
-> []V[]ichael: 2 right it does! it gets me confused
-> []V[]ichael:
-> Fansite: did you know you can change it yourself.?
-> Fansite: in your profile.
-> []V[]ichael: HAHAHAHA yes.

-> Noops: Your profile on the forum used to say like bodybuilding. Do you enjoy looking at men
__.with firm buttocks and taut rippling muscles.?
-> []V[]ichael: NO
-> []V[]ichael: well i finding it boring looking at my self now

-> Noops: You are an Arsenal fan, right.?
-> []V[]ichael: of course. lets not talk about football either

-> Noops: How did you feel when Sol Campbell was outed.?
-> []V[]ichael: No Comment
-> Fansite: oh no football talk
-> Fansite: awwwwwwwwwww
-> []V[]ichael: I hate ref's.

-> ChelseaFC: You are invited backstage at a girls aloud concert. After quaffing champagne, they
__.suggest a game of spin the bottle. Do you play knowing there is a 20% probability that you'll
__.snog the ginger one first.?
-> []V[]ichael: yeah of course she aint ginger no more

-> JoE_MeIsTeR: Pool or snooker.?
-> []V[]ichael: pool. snooker is for older people
-> Fansite: We play snooker, You calling us old.?
-> []V[]ichael: Pea, Sa told me how old you are peanut.

-> ChelseaFC: If a piece of bread always lands buttered side down, and a cat always lands on its
__.feet. What would happen if I tied a piece of bread buttered side up on the back of a cat.?
-> []V[]ichael: can we skip this one and move on.?

-> blainey29: If you owned the game, what 1 thing would you add to make it better.?
-> []V[]ichael: over 18s lobby

-> SirMrPeanutsDaughter: My dad's a moderator, can you guess which moderator he is.?
-> []V[]ichael:
-> Fansite: No guesses.?
-> []V[]ichael: mini me probs, or Dr Evil, take your pick

-> Piche_Borrachoo: Me and my brother have many pigs. Pigs bite brother much. Uncle Ashmak
__.says because brother smell of trash, you think uncle is crazy from the pig flu, or wise like oldest
__.bullock on farm.?
-> []V[]ichael: wise like old bullock on farm! Definately.

-> blainey29: If you were a mod on the game, what would you do if you had abuse reported on a
__.friend of yours.?
-> []V[]ichael: I would warn them
-> Fansite: What if they told you to errrr .... go away.?
-> []V[]ichael: then id tell him 2 go.... a goat
-> []V[]ichael: then he say anything back to me... he be gone!

-> GumBo: Sheep are essentially wool on legs, so how come they don't shrink when it rain.?
-> []V[]ichael: because there welsh
-> []V[]ichael:
-> Fansite: Welsh are waterproof.?
-> []V[]ichael: yeah

-> MoOnEy-(-_-)-2k6: What;s your favourite setup on iPool.?
-> []V[]ichael: 8ball pro race 5. any colour table aslong as it turns ya on

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: What was Albert Einsteins famous equation to define relatinity.?
-> []V[]ichael: I dunno
-> []V[]ichael: skip it

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: What are photons.? and can they be used to bend light.?
-> []V[]ichael: yeah only when the sun is out
-> Fansite: im not sure what he asking physics questions for
-> Fansite: maybe he got an exam soon
-> []V[]ichael: probably LOL

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: What tickles your pickle.?
-> []V[]ichael: that girls aloud woman
-> Fansite: Ohhhhh RIP is welsh, hes waterproof ... cool
-> Fansite: hahaha

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: Why do you have the M in your name as []V[], does it make you
__.feel special.? likebeing a mod ...?
-> []V[]ichael: I copied mikey munro. He is my super hero
-> Fansite: Why ???
-> Fansite: why oh why
-> Fansite: OMG why ??
-> []V[]ichael: because i heard he is waterproof LOL

-> GumBo: If you are BORN AGAIN, do you have 2 belly buttons.?
-> []V[]ichael: Yeah, and 4 nipples

-> GumBo: If a tree falls down in the forest and no one is around to see it, do the other trees
__.laugh and make fun of it.?
-> []V[]ichael: depends
-> Fansite: on ?
-> []V[]ichael: the weather
-> Fansite: how come.?
-> Fansite: but surely its funny, no matter what the weather.?
-> []V[]ichael: because it might be peeing it down

-> GumBo: Do illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup.?
-> Fansite: Does it make a difference if it's alphabetty spagetti.?
-> []V[]ichael: no. i prefer barbie and ken soup
-> Fansite: whats barbie and ken soup.?

Now, the time []V[]ichaels been looking forward to the most. HONEST !!. We open the table to the lobby.

__.*** Loads of players joined the table while []V[]ichael got worried (GMT) ***

-> -Dope...Man-: ASL.?
-> []V[]ichael: 19 m uk

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: Communism ....can it ever work in this modern society.?
-> []V[]ichael: rip.. do u have an exam coming up or something
-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: just a question LOL

-> -Dope...Man-: Whos your fav mod.?
-> []V[]ichael: my fav mod would have 2 be vip master

-> LcMoNeY.: Why do you spam the forum.?
-> []V[]ichael: cus me makes me hot

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: Beans or spagetti on toast.?
-> []V[]ichael: beans and spaghetti

-> -Dope...Man-: How many accs have u got.?
-> []V[]ichael: 4 or so accounts

-> RebelTheDevil: you're red but your stats are very average.....do you cheat.?
-> []V[]ichael: I must cheat

-> []V[]ikey_[]V[]unro: who do u think is best in the game.?
-> []V[]ichael: well apart from me. probs nem when he on his best

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: whats your favourite type of music.?
-> []V[]ichael: rnb / hip hop

-> LcMoNeY.: whos sounder, peanut or curley.?
-> []V[]ichael: curley.?
-> LcMoNeY: curley .. SA
-> []V[]ichael: curley then

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: do you think there any better pool games then this on currently on the
-> []V[]ichael: probs yahoo pool because it dont have bugs

-> LoopyH-A: can you play pool in real life.?
-> []V[]ichael: no i cant

-> Fansite.: do u regret saying u would be interviewed.?
-> []V[]ichael: nah never
-> Fansite.:

*** ANNOUNCEMENT --> Fansite has just 'Gave Up' and closed the questions for []V[]ichael, table 48 ***

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